The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan
مركز حمدي منكو
(وَفَوْقَ كُلِّ ذِي عِلْمٍ عَلِيمٌ)
International Master´s Degree: Virtual Cultural Heritage: The Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era

Dear colleague:


 We would like to inform you that the Virtual Archaeology International Network, INNOVA, composed of Centers, Institutions and Companies in this disciplinary field from more than 20 countries, offers to the international educational community a new Master programme: Virtual Cultural Heritage: The Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era.


This innovative transnational training program for postgraduate, consist of 60 ects credits, and will be held from November of this course 2014-2015. It will be taught online, in English language , through the Virtual Archaeology and Cultural Heritage International Campus, SEAV TRAINING (www., constituting the first objective, in the field of training, of the international network of virtual archaeology INNOVA.


The educational program conducted by qualified professionals from 15 countries, develops the new concept of Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era: Smart Heritage, as an essential pillar from which to delve into the research, documentation, preservation and dissemination of Cultural Heritage of the XXI century, sustained by The London Charter (International Charter of Cultural Heritage Visualisation) and the Seville Principles (Principles of International Virtual Archaeology).


We invite to meet us in, wishing to join new partners in the common goal of researching, developing and disseminating the Virtual Heritage and Archaeology.

We also hope that the Transnational Master INNOVA is of your interest and we count on your support to spread this postgraduate program in your ​​professional and social area of relationships.


 Thanking you in advance for your cooperation, I send you warm greetings and remain at your disposal for any information that you request.


 Best regards.

 Ángeles Hernández-Barahona

Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology, SEAV

Virtual Archaeology International Network, INNOVA

European Center for Innovation in Virtual Archaeology, INNOVA Center

Phone: +34 660 076 053

09 Oct, 2014