Research And Publications

Research And Publications
1- Dr:Maysoon Alotoom :
- Al-Atoom Maysoon, 2012. Excavations in the Memory of Women: A Study in Women Sociology, The Ministry of Culture, Amman, Jordan.
- Al-Atoom Maysoon, 2012. Woman in the Body, Insaniat Journal, Algeria.
- Al-Atoom Maysoon, 2012. Women and the Public Issue: Primary Observations on Jordanian Women and the Construction of Identity, accepted for publishing.
- Al-Atoom Maysoon, 2013. Simone De Bouvouir in the Arab World: Primary Observations on Arab Women and Identity Construction, European Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 43 Issue 2.
- Al-Atoom Maysoon  and Dababneh Abeer. 2014. Gender: Word’s History. European Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 37 Issue 2.
- Al-Atoom, Maysoon and Al-Husban, Abdel-Hakim, 2006, Modes of Therapy: A Case Study in Medical Sociology in the District of Jerash, Yarmouk Researches, Volume 22.
2- Prfo.Dr.Amal Alkharouf :
1.  The Evolution of Women's Political Participation in Various Public Offices in Jordan, (2017)  Journal of Social Science, New York, United State, ISSN Print: 1549-3652, ISSN Online: 1558-6987, (In common research with Mohummad Jribie)
2.  Attitudes Of Tenth Grade and Secondary Level Female Students Towards Early Marriage In Amman City, Dirasat Journal of Education Sciences, (In common research with Shireen Abo Jamous)
3.  Factors Influencing Women's Participation Within Family From The Perspective Of Married Women Working In Administration At King Abd Al-Aziz University, accepted to be published in Dirasat Journal of Social Sciences, (In common research with Nour Saleh)
4.  The Evolution of the Reality of Women Working in the Jordanian Universities 2000-2009, European Journal of Science, 2015, Vol. 49, Issue 3, (In common research with Prof. Dr. Hala, Khiami)
5.  "The Reality of Gender Mainstreaming in the official Jordanian universities: a case study of the Hashemite university", Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, 2015 vol. 8,  No. 2 (In common research with Amani Zoabi)
6.  "Safe Family Unit's role in Jordan River Foundation in Battered Women's empowerment: Evaluation Study" Dirasat Journal of Social Sciences, 2015, Vol, 42, No. 3 (In common research with Mais Al Salah)
7.  "Youth Attitudes Towards Women's Work In Tourism Sector:  Case Study: University of Jordan", Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, 2015, Vol, (8), No. (1) (In common research with Razan Falah Al Zoubi)'s+Work+In+Tourism+Sector
8.  National Report, Jordan, (2014), EURO MEDETERRANEAN RESEARCH COOPERATION ON GENDER AND SCIENCE, University of Jordan & Royal Scientific Society, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. (In common research with Mahasen Aljaghoub & Fida'a Jibril)
9.  The Reality of the Participation of the Students at the University of Jordan in the Parliamentry Election 2010 (from the Gender Perspective),  Dirassat WA Abhath, The fifth year, Vol No. 15, 2014, University of Jalfah, Al Jeri a.
10.         "Standards and qualities favorite among the students of the University of Jordan in the partner / life partner and the factors influencing them (prospective study)", Dirassat WA Abhath, The fifth year, Vol No. 12, 2013, University of Jalfah, Al Jeri a.
11.         “Factors Affecting Jordanian Women’s Winning in the Parliamentary Elections in 2007”, Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 6, No 2 (2013).
12.         “The attitudes of tenth grade students towards vocational education from Gender perspective in Amman”, Dirasat, Jordan Journal of Education, Vol. 40, 2013. (In common research with Joman Dahamsheh)
13.         "Attitudes of Male and Female Teachers in Secondary Schools Towards Yemeni Women's Participation in the Social and Political Development in the City of Sana'a (A Field Study)", Dirasat Journal, vol. 39, no, 1, 2012, University of Jordan. (In common research with Ghada Abu Taleb).
14.         “Factors Influencing The Employment of Women, From The View of Employed and Non-Employed Women and Managers In Amman, City,” Amazon, 2012.
15. Chapter in the book: “The University's achievements after 50 years of foundation”, titled: : “The University of Jordan …. a place … and a status of woman”, in cooperation with Professor Dr. Hala Al Qhaimi (under publication).
16. Chapter in the book: "First Decade of His Majesty King Abdullah II, Bin Al Hussein Assuming His Constitutional Powers, Features of the Jordanian Internal Politics", titled: "Role of Women in Political Life during the Reign of His Majesty King Abdullah II." Centre for Arab and World Studies and Media, Part II. 2011.
17.         "Reality and Needs of Jordanian Women in Municipal Councils, Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, An International Refereed Research Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, 2011, University of Jordan.2011 (In common research with Sahera Nabilsi).
18.         "Izdihar Women's Development Project and its Role in the Empowerment of Jordanian Women: An Evaluative Study". Dirasat Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, 2011, University of Jordan.2011
19.         “The Experience of Jordanian Women Candidates in Parliamentary Elections in 2007” Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, An International Refereed Research Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010, University of Jordan.2011 (In common research with Dr. Eman Alhusein).
20.         "Political Awareness and Political Participation of Rural Women in Jordan, Survey Study," (In common research with Dr. Abdel Majeed Azam, & Dr. Hadia Khazneh Katbi, Third researcher, Yarmouk Journal, vol. 27, no, B, 2011,University of Yarmouk.
21.         "Customary Marriage", Social Research Journal, University of Yarmouk, 2011. (In common research with Rehab Qadoomi).
22.         "Attitudes of Young Men and Women Enrolled in Youth Centers of the Higher Council for Youth towards Gender", Journal, An-Najah National University, Nablus, vol. 24, 2010.
23.         "The Role of the Art of Embroidery in the Economic Empowerment of Women", Jordan Journal of The Arts, vol. 3, no, 1, 2010, University of Yarmouk.
24.         "Gender Dimensions at the Higher Council for Youth and its Different Directorates", Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, An International Refereed Research Journal, vol. 3, no, 3, 2010, University of Jordan.
25.         "An Evaluation of  the Effectiveness of the Services Provided by the Jordanian Association for Family Planning and Protection from the Point View of the Staff  of the Clinics (A Field Study)", Journal, University of Yarmouk, vol. 26, no, 4, 2010. (In common research with Suba Abbas)
26.         Chapter in the second National Millennium Development Goals Report- Jordan, titled: “Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women”, The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, 2010.
27.         Gender Mainstreaming in the Works of the Parliament. A project that support the development of institutional ability for the parliament secretarial in the House of the Parliaments, UNDP program, 2009.
28.         "An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Staff Working At the Clinics of the Jordanian Association for Family Planning and Protection (JAFPP) from the Clients Point of View" (Afield Study), Journal, University of Jordan, (vol 36, no, 2, 2009). (In common research with Suba Abbas)
29.         "The smoking of male and female students at the University of Jordan, its reasons, harms and methods of prevention Smoking, reasons, harms, methods of prevention", Journal, University of Jordan, (vol 36, no 2, 2009).
30.         “The Role of Business Incubators, at the Business and Professional Women Association (BPWA), on the Empowerment of Women to Establish Viable Economical Projects", Journal, Yarmouk University, vol. 25, no. 1, 2009, (In common research with Rima Masoud).
31.         "Awareness of the Woman Working at Governmental Ministries of her Rights under the Civil Service System" Dirasat Journal, University of Jordan, (vol 35, no 2, 2008). (In common research with Soha Shami)
32.         “Women in the Labor market in Jordan”, (2008) Critical Perspectives on International Business, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, U.K.(In common research with Weir, D.).
33.         "An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Services Provided by the Jordanian Association for Family Planning and Protection From the Point of View of Clients (A Field Study)" Journal, University of  Jordan, (vol 35, no 2, 2008). (In common research with Saba Abbas)
34.         "Arab Countries Positions towards the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Arab Woman in Immigration's Countries Forum", 2008, (The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 2008), the Arab Women Organization, Egypt.
35.         "Judges Attitudes in Amman towards the Contemporary Law amending Marriage's Law," Dirasat Journal, (vol. 34, no. 1, 2007).
36.         "Women business Owners in Jordan: Characteristics, Contributions and Challenges", El Kharouf, a., Dababneh, A., and Al Akhal, R. (2007)
37.         Gender Roles, which the Youth Develop within the Jordanian Family, a Field Study Conducted in Tafilah City," (Main researcher,  in common research with Taroub Al Bdour, Jordan, Dirasat Journal,  (vol. 33, no. 2, 2006).
38.         "The Role of the Ministry of Education in Women's Empowerment." The International Conference on "Woman, Science and Development, “Adan (4-6 February 2006).
39.         "Factors Influencing New Enrolled Students in their Choice of Specialties in both Jordan & Amman Universities in (2000-2001)," Dirasat Journal, (vol. 31, no. 3, University of Jordan, 2005).
40.         The Effect of Educational Level on Woman's Participation in Taking Family Decisions (A Field Study Conducted in Sana’a city, Yemen), (Main researcher, in common research with Fawziah Khamash), Dirasat Journal, (vol. 32, no. 2, University of Jordan 2005).
41.         Motives for Exercising in Women, Members of Fitness Centers in Amman, (Main researcher, in common research with Dr. Majed Mjalli), Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sports), Ein Shams University, Egypt (vol. no. 42, 2004).
42.         Demographic and Social Characteristics and Leadership Traits of Entrepreneurs Women in Industrial and Trade Sectors and the Factors which Affect their Success at Work, Amman, Jordan,"  (Main researcher,  in common research with Dr. Mahmoud Al Kdah), Dirasat Journal, (vol. 32, no.1, Jordan University, 2004).
43.         “General Education Indicators in Jordan (1989-1992),” National Centre for Research and Educational Development, (1994), (Victor Billeh, Taysir Nahar, Amal El Kharouf).
44.         "Indicators of Progress in the Jordanian Educational Reform: A Discussion Paper", (1990) Harvard University, Basic Research and Implementation in Developing Education Systems Project. (K Ahlawat, A El-Kharouf, D Chapman).
45.         “Concept of Planning in the Labour Force,” "Al Amal"(Labour) Journal, Ministry of Labour, (no. 46, 1989).
3- Dr.Amani Alserhan :
- Language, Gender and Utility: The Impact of Foreign Language Learning on Young Jordanian Female Students, Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, Volume (46) Number (3), 2019.
- Gender, Leadership and Empowerment: The Case of Jordanian Women 2019.
4- Dr.Abeer Dababneh :
-    Jordanian Women in Labour Market and Education: Study at Jordanian Society " , Maysoon AlOtoom, Khader AlOtoom and Abeer Dababneh, Accepted for Publishing, Dirasat Journals: Human and Social Sciences ,2016.
- Problems of Non-Implementation the Capital Punishment in Jordan ", Mohammad Rahamneh, Hassan Al-Tarawneh and Abeer Dababneh, Accepted for Publishing, Dirasat Journals: Sharia and Law Sciences, 2015.
-    " the Guarantees of the Death Penalty in the Trail and Implementation Phases in Jordan Legislation ", Mohammad Rahamneh, Hassan Al-Tarawneh and Abeer Dababneh, Accepted for Publishing, Dirasat Journals: Sharia and Law Sciences ,2015.
-    “Gender: Word’s History”, Abeer Dababneh and Maysoon AlOtoom, European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 39 No 4 September, 2013, pp.621-632.
-    "Fifty Key Concepts in Gender Studies". Published , Translated by Dr Abeer Dababneh, The University of Jordan Press , 2010 .
   Jordanian Women’s Political Participation :Legislative Status and Structural Challenges  , European Journal of Social Sciences . Vol.27,  No.2 , (2012), pp. 213-221.
-    The process of gender mainstreaming into the public and private sectors,Jordanian Journal of Social Sciences,2011.
-    An analysis of gender status on both institutional and legislative levels in public sphere. Abeer Dababneh,Amal Awawdeh and Lubna Adaileh . Jordanian  Journal of Law and political science ,Mutah University , Vol.2,  No.2 , (2012), pp. 139-164, 2011.
-    Practical Criteria for the Soundness of the Legislative Drafting Approach Evaluative and Analytic Study  , Abeer Bashier Dababneh and Eid Ahmad Al-Husban, European Journal of Social Sciences, vol.21 Issue 4 pp.533-546. EuroJournals Publishing, Inc., 2011 .
-    The legislative drafting of the parliament election temporary ,an analytical study 2011.
-    The Status of Legislative Drafting in the Jordanian Legal System: ,An Analytic Critical Study ,Dr. Eid Ahmad Al Hosban, Dr. Abeer Bashier Dababneh , Dr. Reem Oklah Abu Dalbouh.

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