A leading center in developing sustinable solutions for water, energ, and environment through innovation, advanced scientific research, and international collaboration to create a more sustainable future for coming generations.
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We strive to deliver innovative scientific and applied research in the fields of water, energy, and environment , and to enhance effective partnerships with the community, local, and international institutions to attain sustainable development in the face of anticipated climate changes.
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1. Contributing to scientific and innovative solutions for water, energy, and environmental challenges, at the local, regional and international levels, through scientifically sound applied research. 2. Providing scientific water, energy and environmental consultations for the public and private authorities. 3. Providing water testing services through a well-established water and environmental accredited laboratories. 4. Building capacities in water and environmental related issues.
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Water, Energy, and Environment Center

"We have made ​​from water every living thing"(21:33)
