Research Strategy
Center Council


To Excel in scientific applied research by addressing up to date, global and local challenges, related to water, energy and environment and by contributing to the efforts that aim at realizing the Sustainable Development Goals.




Support the decision makers take sound decisions that promote sustainable socio-economic development by conducting scientifically based applied research, related to water, energy and environment,




Addressing up to date, hot issues, related to water, energy and environment, such as water scarcity, climate change, sustainability, and renewable energy.


Approach the water, energy and environment issues, in an integrated way, by implementing a nexus approach; water energy nexus and water, energy food nexus.


Promoting multidisciplinary research to help address the multidimensional nature of water, energy and environmental issues; scientific, economic, social and political.


Enhancing collaboration with international, regional and local research centers and institutions for the purpose of knowledge and experience sharing by submitting research proposals, organizing events, i.e. workshops and conferences,


Water, Energy, and Environment Center

"We have made ​​from water every living thing"(21:33)