Within the 2021 International Seminar Series of
Hamdi Mango Center for Scientific Research, Prof. Peter J. Wellmann, the President
of the E-MRS and a professor at the Crystal Growth, Materials Department 6 (i-meet) in FAU
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, presented a lecture entitled:
Electronic Semiconductor Materials Beyond Silicon: SiC, GaN, Ga203
and Diamond”
Prof. Wellmann discussed the properties, processing and
innovation in electronic devices based on a
number of wide bandgap semiconductors like silicon carbide, gallium nitride,
gallium oxide and diamond. The optimum preparation of these new semiconductors can
pave the way to new performance levels of power electronics belongs to the
seminar was concluded by exploring the potential areas of cooperation between
the Jordanian and European parties. Prof. Wellmann expressed the E-MRS
readiness to assist in the education and training of young Jordanian researchers
in the field of advanced materials as well as providing support to facilitate
their participation in the E-MRS periodic scientific meetings.