1- Providing an integrated educational system based on modern technologies.
2- Building and designing electronic courses and developing them with high quality.
3- Enhancing the capabilities of scientific research and encouraging studies in the field of educational resources.
4- Providing high quality distance learning programs using the latest technology.
5- Building capacities and enhancing competencies among faculty members in the field of blended and hybrid education technology.
6- Enhancing communication between faculty members in universities through education platforms with the aim of sharing and cooperating in the production and development of educational materials.
7- Increasing awareness and developing the capabilities of the Jordanian educational community about educational resources and their practices.
8- Developing an effective system for managing intellectual property and introducing CC licenses in higher education institutions.
9- Networking with institutions of higher education, in a way that supports and enhances the principle of participation and cooperation among them, for educational practices.
10- Support and sponsor individual, community, national and institutional initiatives for educational resources.
11- Building a digital repository of educational resources that all educational institutions can use.