Committee's Memberships:

Committee's Memberships:

Dr.Abeer Dababneh :

- Member of  Board of Trustees,Tadamoon association.

- Member  of  Jordanian Bar Association.

-  Member  of  Legal Committee to achieve social justice for families of Jordanian women  married to non Jordanian / Information and Research Center - King Hussein Foundation.

-  Member  of AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Organization.

- Member  of  Jordanian Alliance for the International Criminal Court.

- Member  of  Legal Team/ Jordanian National Commission for Women.

- Member  of   the National Team for pay for equal work..

- Member of Anti torturing National Team .

- Member of eliminating Violence Network Against Women (Shamia).

- Member of  Gender Committee/ Higher Council for Youth.

- Member of  supporting women Network.

- Member of development Commission of Master Program in Leadership Studies / University of Jordan.

-Member of  Development the reality of scientific research ,Jordan University.

- Member of  Committee for the Humanities science to identify research priorities for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

- Member of Women's Studies' Centre Committee.



Prof.Dr.Amal Al –Kharouf:

-     Liaison officer for quality assurance in Women Centre in University of Jordan, 2012 till now.

-     Chairman of the Working Women in the Tourism Sector Committee, Ministry of Tourism, Jordan.

-     Member of Consulting Committee for “The Youth and Civil Society Organizations to defend Women’s Rights” Project, Land and Human to Advance Progress, 2011.

-     Member of the committee of introducing a Master’s program in the field of Leadership Studies, 2011- till now.

-     Member of the Sectoral Committee in the social, educational and religious field/Scientific Research Support Fund of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the year 2010/2011-Jordan.

-     Member of the steering committee for the preparation of a national report on "Population and Development in Jordan"/ Higher Population Council, 2010.

-     Jordan's representative in the preparation of the Draft Guide of Arab Women organized by the Arab Women Organization in Egypt.

-     Member of the Committee of Arab Women Organization for developing a comprehensive database for Arab Women (Experts, legislations, Women Centers, Institutions, agreements,etc…).

-     Member of the Jordanian Committee for the preparation of the Second National Report on the Millennium Development Goals for 2009, through the preparation of the chapter on "The Promotion of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment" in coordination with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in Jordan.

-    Member of National Council for Family Affairs Board 2009/2010.

- Member of "Editorial Advisory Board" for "International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Managemen"t, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, U.K.

- Member of "Nordic-Arab Network of Research on Women's Empowerment, Gender and Politics (WEP). For Master Students, PhD Students and Postdoctoral Scholars.

- Member of the developing committee for Women's Studies' Centre, University of Jordan.

- Member of Women's Studies' Centre Committee.

-     Member of ANGAD (the Arab Network for Gender and Development), (the Center of Arab Women for Training and Researches), (CAWTHAR), Tunis (2002- ).

-     Member of the Association of Family Planning and Protection.

-     Member of British Universities Graduates' Club.






center Achievements
24 Sep, 2013

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