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The main interest of this laboratory is to do research related to the enhancement of drought tolerance in different plant species, improvement of plant resistance against pathogens and using different approaches of molecular breeding to enhance yield in different plant species especially barley and wheat. Furthermore, genetic diversity and population structure of locally collected plants studies are done.
| Plant Biotechnology | Plant Biotechnology |
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It was established for the purpose of doing plant research which involves growing new plants in a controlled environment. It has three main parts; preparation laboratory, transfer laboratory, growth rooms. Endangered plants growing in Jordan are planted and propagated in the lab. Plant extracts are tested on microbes and cancer cells to study their medicinal effects.
| Plant Biotechnology | Plant Biotechnology |
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The main interest of the laboratory is conducting research in the following topics; microbe-host interaction, microbe-microbe interaction, bacterial multidrug efflux pumps, bacterial protein secretion, bacterial population structure and bioactive compounds from microbe, plants and microalgae. | Plant Biotechnology | Plant Biotechnology |
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Cell culture lab provides an appropriate environment for culturing cancer and normal cells that can be used in testing many synthesized drugs, chemicals, plants extracts, and Nano particles for their cytotoxic effect on both cancer and normal cells as well.
| Cell Culture | Cell Culture |
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The Drug Design and Discovery lab runs projects with the basic goal of developing and implementing advanced computer-aided molecular modeling techniques towards the discovery of novel biologically active molecules that can be developed into drugs. Drug discovery is the process through which potential new medicines are identified. It involves a wide range of scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry and pharmacology.
We implement innovative combinations of molecular modeling methodologies by hybridizing pharmcophore modeling with QSAR analysis; molecular docking and 3D-QSAR (e.g., CoMFA and RSA); and in silico screening to identify (discover), validate and optimize new hits to-ward different targets.
We recently run projects that focus mainly on cancer tar-gets and test all the resulted hits tested on the related cancer cells. These hits tested in the Cell Culture lab at the center.
| Drug Design and Discovery | Drug Design and Discovery |
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Material science is an interdisciplinary field applying the properties of matter to various areas of science (chemistry, biology, physics) and engineering.
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering
The material science and nanotechnology laboratories at HMCSR incubate research in different projects that have potential in industrial applications such as wastewater treatment and solid waste recycling.
| Material Science and Nanotechnology | Material Science and Nanotechnology |
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