Peripheral Arterial Disease Project
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common manifestation of generalized atherosclerosis. Patients with compromised blood flow to the extremities as a consequence of PAD may present with typical ischemia pain, atypical pain, or with no symptoms, and these clinical manifestations of PAD are ameliorated by the development of collateral arteries.
Treatment for PAD is dependent on the severity of the symptoms and typically ranges from conservative pharmaceutical management with risk factor modifications to endovascular or open surgical interventions in more severe cases. Up to one third of patients are not candidates to traditional revascularization and may benefit from regenerative medicine.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of autologous actiplate injections into ischematic limbs of patients with PAD. This project has shown promising results regarding the safety and efficacy of the product.
Our second project is a phase I project with similar inclusion criteria to the first project except allogeneic actiplate injections will be used. New patients are being recruited, the goal of this phase is to evaluate the safety and potential efficacy of the product.

Cell Therapy Center

The center is licensed by the Ministry of Health